Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Warrior Cancer Ribbon: Growing in Unity Day 3

If you've been with me for the since day 1 this week, you would have read my bio where I explained I send Cards of Hope to cancer patients and have been doing this for over 3 years.

Today, I wanted to expand on the technique used yesterday, heat embossing and introduce you to this beautiful black and white card of hope with heat embossed image.

Warrior Cancer Ribbon

Sadly, my list of recipients is ever changing I find myself mass producing these cards of hope each month. I try to send a card once a week and some times the list of recipients is nearly 30 or better. It does make me sad when I have to take people off the list for one reason or another because I know these cards really do help make people smile.

Cancer ribbons are in all sorts of colors to represent each type of cancer. I currently have two people on my list of recipients who are battling melanoma skin cancer. The color representing this type of cancer is black. I played on this with black and white cards.

A simple gesture can make someone's whole day.  I've had people message me and let me know their loved one kept all the cards they received, or that they saw those few and far between smiles on days when cards showed up in the mail. I'm very proud to be able to do this for people who are suffering. 

Don't forget to leave a comment below for your chance to win some Unity Stamps.

Products used to make these cards:

The stamp Warrior Cancer Ribbon can be purchased here:

Miscellaneous black and white patterned paper 
Black card stock from Michaels
Ranger Black Embossing powder
Versamark watermark ink pad


  1. I like the graphic style of these. I did not realize that the color for skin cancer was black. Making that many cards is a big job. Getting them sent out is even bigger. God bless you for doing this.

    1. Making that many cards is what drives me each month, completely and totally. And yes, sending them is an even bigger job. Sometimes local hospitals or cancer centers will donate a roll of stamps for my shipping but usually I take the cost of the stamps out of my crafting budget. <3 Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog today

  2. You are doing such a wonderful thing by sending those cards of encouragement! I will have to check into that. I used to send cards to operation write home but since they closed, I haven't found another option that I really liked to send cards to.
    Your cards are fantastic! They couldn't be more perfect. I love your paper choices as well.

    1. I honestly just reached out to a few people on Facebook when I decided to do this, and had them give me their loved one's addresses. I encourage you to find someone to encourage today.

  3. Great encouragement cards for a great cause!

    1. Thanks lady! I can't think of anyone who needs more encouragement than someone battling for their life.

  4. Just love the finished look of this. It's also a wonderful thing that you are doing.

    1. Thanks Kim, I appreciate you stopping by. I appreciate the encouragement.

  5. CANCER SUCKS! But what a great outlet for your creativity - and you can never go wrong with two-color.

    1. Cancer does suck, completely! I have a stamp from another company that discusses the limits of cancer and it is always on the first card I send to recipients. After that, I try to just brighten their day with a fun card.

  6. It's very ♡ warming to know that You Can Make A Difference! Well done! ♡♡♡

    1. You can make an incredible difference if you just try, anyone can!

  7. These are beautiful in every way. :-)

    1. Thanks Rebecca, I really like how they turned out. Sometimes simple and quick help me make the deadline I set for myself each week.

  8. I worked giving chemotherapy for ten years it's the small things like a card that gets people through. What a nice gesture. Thanks for sharing

    1. You are an amazing soul Michelle, it takes a very special person to give Chemo. the encouragement to the patients, listening to their concerns, finding yourself really becoming attached to their journey. You my dear, are a hero.

  9. Thank you for explaining the different colors for the ribbons. You are doing a wonderful thing and I truly admire you for it. Your card is perfect.

    1. Each type of cancer has a color and I think it is not only to draw attention to the cause but most are bright and fun, I'm sure, to help bring joy to those suffering. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me some love today!

  10. Wonderful cards! Amazing what you are doing. You are touching the lives of many!!

    1. oh Kris, I wish I could do so much more. I wish I could send a cure in every single card.

  11. I love the use of black and white. They come together to form such a clean and crisp layout. You are doing such good work offering these cards as encouragement. Sometimes all it takes is a kind word or gesture to lift someone's spirits. I know this as my mom has had cancer 3 times and my dad is now recovering from cancer and chemo treatments. It's a daily battle! Keep spreading the hope and uplifting these cards can bring! :)

    1. Thanks Sissy. Please send my well wishes to your parents. I'd love it if you'd honor me and allow me to send them an anonymous card. Send me a message if that is ok.

  12. What a great thing you are doing. The cards are wonderful!

  13. These are cool, I love the graphic design.

    1. I really enjoyed the graphic nature of these cards too.

  14. Renee these card are so beautiful! Keep up the good work making your cards of hope and joy.

  15. Love this idea. My best friend is battling right now...I've been doing lots of encouragement cards for her

    1. Victoria, If I could, would you let me have your friend's address so I can add her to the list of recipients? Please pm me on FB or message me here if so. Thanks

  16. I agree....great cards for a great cause!

  17. these are great cards! I bet your recipients are grateful! Nothing like a handmade card with love and an encouraging quote to brighten someone's day! Thanks again for sharing a little bit of your world with us :)

    1. Handmade anything shows so much to a recipient. And a card is just a hug with a fold in the middle. ;)

  18. bold, black and white....great rock!!!

    1. You can never go wrong with the B&W combo... in my book, anyway.

  19. You are on an amazing mission - thank you for bringing kindness and love to so many!

    1. I'm trying my dear. Today, I'm mailing nearly 60 cards to those who need some love and a hug.

  20. I love the black and white! One of my favorites and I once did an entire scrapbook album in black and white.

    1. I bet that scrapbook was / is absolutely stunning.

  21. I think is so wonderful that you send so many cards out to cancer patients each month. I have several people in my life who aren't battleing cancer. I need to send them more mail.

    1. you know how much a card makes you smile when you get one, spread that love.

  22. I too am trying to send more cards out and I like your idea of sending anonymously. I know several people that could use some positive thoughts and prayers! I think I'll make it a point to send 2 out weekly.

    1. I really encourage you to do that. You'd be surprised what it will do for your soul. It amazed me what it does for mine.

  23. Wow, what a kind & selfless thing to do! Brought tears to my eyes. I am a cancer survivor and when you are battling your spirits can get low and a beautiful card does lift you up!

  24. Awesome graphic cards! You are wonderful to make and send so many cards! I'm sure they bring a smile.

  25. Awesome b&w cards! Love that ribbon!

    1. That ribbon is an amazing image. Once I saw a friend use it I had to track it down.
