Watch this adorable dino come to life and this scene be built at my YouTube Channel. Click the link here: Delaney Jane Cards YouTube Video
All items were purchased with my own funds. This video /
blog is not sponsored.
Confused about why I named it all Delaney Jane Cards if my
name is Renee’?
This entire thing, shop, YouTube channel, blog, etc, it is
all named after our angel daughter who passed away in 2013. I made her some
promises when she passed away. I would spread joy, I would make her proud and I
would speak her name daily. This is one way we choose to honor her memory, and
help me keep my promises.
Speaking of blog, you can check it out at :
YouTube is at: Delaney Jane Cards YouTube
Check out our online store at: Delaney Jane Cards Store
Want to visit us on Instagram? Check us out at
Facebook: Delaney Jane Cards on Facebook